Tolling Information
Roads Network
TII operates, maintains, and improves the National Road Network (NRN), which consists of National Primary roads and National Secondary roads. Our network carries approximately 45% of the country's total road traffic, and we estimate that between 80-90% of all freight transport occurs on National Roads. This includes Motorways, Dual Carriageways, and Single-Lane Roads, playing a central role in sustainably transporting people and goods across Ireland.
Collaboration also takes place between the Department of Transport (DoT) and TII, ensuring a common understanding of the network function, current and future users’ and infrastructure requirements on the network, to enable Project Ireland 2040.
TII has been leading the development of the Major Interurban Road Network across the country, connecting Ireland's major cities for the past 25 years.

Across 5,314km of national roads, TII manages:
- 1,200km of high-quality motorway and dual carriageway
- 3 tunnels
- 3,400 structures
- 130,000 road signs
- TII oversees the management of the M50 and Dublin Tunnel tolls. In addition, there are eight PPP-managed toll schemes on the network.
Some of our key national primary roads in Ireland are part of the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T).
M50 Traffic
Traffic volumes and revenue for Dublin's M50 eFlow Toll recovered in 2023 and surpassed 2019 levels, the benchmark before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) for the M50 toll was 156,028 trips, an increase of circa 5% on the previous year (2022: 149,010).
In total, approximately 57 million passages were recorded passing the M50 toll, which is an increase of 5% from the previous year (2022: 54 million).

Dublin Tunnel Traffic
The AADT for Dublin Tunnel in 2023 was 26,289, an increase of 12.6% over the previous year (2022: 23,355).
In total, approximately 9.1 million passages were recorded using the tunnel in 2023.
The NCN is a critical backbone for the economic, social, and cultural connectivity across Ireland.
>50% of Irish Cars
>99% of Domestic Freight
>200 Million Public Transport Trips
Rely on using the NRN every year.
Tolling Operations
TII’s tolling operations collect significant user charges every year from a broad customer base of over two million domestic and foreign motorists using the M50 and Dublin Tunnel toll roads.
TII’s responsibilities include:
- Management of the M50 eFlow toll operation and Dublin Tunnel toll collections
- Management of compliance levels on the M50 eFlow toll
- Managing the national interoperability arrangements
- Strategic planning relating to the evolution of the tolling sector in Ireland in line with Governmental and EU policies on user charging and infrastructure funding. This includes planning for the hand back of PPP toll roads to TII between 2030 and 2040

Toll Locations and Charges
Plan your journey and view the charges for all Irish toll roads.

Pay a Toll
Find out how to pay toll charges on all toll roads in Ireland, including the M50.

Travel on all Irish toll roads without needing to stop and pay cash.