Customer Complaints Procedure

TII is committed to providing a quality service to all our customers

The way in which we will honour our commitments to providing quality service and monitor our performance is set out in our Customer Charter and Customer Action Plan.


As part of our customer commitment, TII operates a complaints procedure that may be availed of by customers who feel that they may not have been treated adequately, courteously or fairly in their dealings with the staff of TII.

If you are dissatisfied with some aspect of our service, please express this to the person with whom you are dealing who will try to help. If you prefer, please ask to speak to a manager who will also try to help as we aim to resolve all difficulties at local level wherever possible.

Making a Complaint

If you remain dissatisfied and wish to make a complaint, you may contact our Head of Regulation & Administration as follows:

Head of Regulation & Administration,
Transport Infrastructure Ireland, 
Parkgate Business Centre, 
Parkgate Street, 
Dublin 8, 
D08 DK10.

Phone: (01) 646 3600

All complaints will be dealt with fairly, efficiently and confidentially and will be responded to following full and careful consideration of the nature and extent of the complaint.
Complaints received by the Head of Regulation & Administration will be:

  • Acknowledged in writing within 5 working days. The acknowledgement letter will indicate the name and telephone number of the person dealing with the matter.
  • Responded to within 20 working days (if this is not possible an interim reply will be issued within the 20 working days explaining the up-to-date position).
  • Responded to using plain language.

Please note: TII's remit relates to the network of national roads and the light rail network (Luas). In relation to national roads, any enquiries, comments or complaints concerning the day-to-day function of traffic management, road maintenance or other local operational issues relating to national roads should be addressed in the first instance to the relevant local authority.


If you feel that you have been unfairly treated or are not satisfied with our decision on your complaint, it is open to you to contact the Office of the Ombudsman. By law, the Ombudsman can investigate complaints about any of our administrative actions or procedures as well as delays or inaction in your dealings with us. However, the Ombudsman will normally expect you to have made a complaint to us first. The Ombudsman provides a free, impartial and independent dispute resolution service.

Ombudsman Contact Details:

Office of the Ombudsman,
Transport Infrastructure Ireland, 
6 Earlsfort Terrace, 
Dublin 2, 
D02 W773. 

Phone: +353 1 639 5600