Preferred Transport Solution For N/M20 Cork To Limerick Announced

Details of the preferred transport solution for the N/M 20 Cork to Limerick project, identified as a priority investment in the Government’s National Development Plan 2021-2030, have been published today (March 30th 2022). A multi-modal transport project which includes active travel infrastructure for walking and cycling, improvements to public transport, new and improved safe road infrastructure and environmental integration for communities along the N20 transport corridor between Cork and Limerick, is now proposed. Today’s announcement follows significant public consultation and detailed appraisal of a number of road-based and rail-based options and active travel strategy.

Eighty (80) kilometres of new and improved dual carriageway road between Cork City and Patrickswell, Limerick will address the existing road’s shocking safety deficiencies which contribute to a fatal collision rate four times the national average. The road design, including cross section, road type (Protected Road or Motorway), junction strategy and accommodation works will be developed during the next phase of the project, within the 500m wide preferred road-based option, published on The preferred road-based option broadly follows the previous 2010 M20 Cork – Limerick scheme. Between 30% and 40% of the existing N20 road will be reused to develop the new dual carriageway.

Bypasses of Mallow, New Twopothouse, Buttevant, Charleville and Banoge will remove strategic traffic and heavy goods vehicles from these communities, significantly improving air quality, reducing noise levels, and further supporting public realm improvements, sustainable transport and vibrant communities. The project will have a major impact on the attractiveness of public transport, achieving intercity journey time savings of up to 30 minutes for express bus services between Cork and Limerick and improving journey times and reliability for local bus services along the N20 corridor. Additionally, the project examined a range of rail-based options and has recommended the development of a “no change” additional hourly rail service between the two cities, via Limerick Junction, reducing intercity rail journey times by over 20 minutes between Cork and Limerick. The new rail service is being recommended by the project team for consideration within the All Island Strategic Rail Review.

The project will deliver 80 kilometres of transformative active travel (walking and cycle) infrastructure, connecting together the communities of Cork, Blarney, Grenagh, Rathduff, Mallow, New Twopothouse, Buttevant, Charleville, Bruree, Banoge, Croom, Patrickswell and Limerick.

Minister for Transport, Eamon Ryan TD, stated: “Today’s announcement is an important step forward in progressing a range of transportation solutions connecting Limerick and Cork as identified in the Government’s National Development Plan 2021-2030, that will incorporate public transport and active travel infrastructure for walking and cycling from its inception, as well as to the upgrading of national road infrastructure which will deliver needed safety improvements for all users. We look forward to hearing the views of the public now and to the project being delivered.”

Minister of State, Hildegarde Naughton TD, stated: “Delivering on Government’s commitment to improve connectivity between Limerick and Cork and will benefit all road users. This project is critical for our regional connectivity, will improve travel times and will significantly enhance road safety on what is a well-travelled route.” 

Preferred transport route