Operating and Control Systems

How the Luas is controlled and operated

Luas Operations

Luas services are monitored by the from a central control room located in the Red Cow Depot adjacent to Red Cow stop. 

Tram Operations

Operations staff in the Central Control Room monitor the performance of the trams ensuring the trams are where they are supposed to be when they are supposed to be. From the central control room staff can see the location of each tram along the Red and Green lines. In case of a Service Disruption, trams not operating as they are supposed to due to an operational issue or fault, staff in the Central Control Room activate customer communications via stops and online channels. 

CCTV and Security

Operations staff in the Central Control Room monitor tram and passenger movements via the CCTV system. From the central control room staff can see each stop and control the CCTV cameras. In case of anti-social behaviour or security issues staff in the Central Control Room activate security procedures including deploying Luas Security Staff to the location and requesting An Garda Síochána assistance. 

Emergency Help Intercoms

Operations staff in the Central Control Room monitor and respond to calls from Emergency Help Intercoms located at each stop.

Below is a list of the main electronic control and communications systems used for operations:

  • Automatic Vehicle Location System (“AVLS”)
  • Fixed equipment SCADA
  • Power supply SCADA
  • Passenger information display system
  • Public address system
  • TETRA radio (data and voice traffic)
  • Fibre optic cable transmission network
  • PABX telephone system
  • Emergency telephone system
  • CCTV monitoring and recording
  • Line side signalling system

TII oversees the day-to-day operations of the Luas Operator ensuring agreements regarding; frequency, schedule, and ticketing are met.

If you have a question about Luas operations, not answered here, find out more information on the Luas website or email info@luas.ie