Bridges & Tunnels

Bridges & Tunnels

Eirspan is Ireland's Bridge Management System

In 2001 the Eirspan bridge management system was introduced to coordinate and integrate activities such as inspections, repairs and rehabilitation work to ensure optimal management of the national road structure stock.

The following paper summarises the reasons for the introduction of the system and gives a review of the distinct activities included in Eirspan. It is reproduced from the proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers' Bridge Engineering Journal with the permission of the Institution of Civil Engineers ( and Thomas Telford Ltd.

  • Information on the development of Eirspan: Ireland's bridge management system.
  • Principal Inspection Manual_RevC_Jan08, is the third in a series of manuals on the management of existing bridges in accordance with the Irish Structure Management System, EIRSPAN. The manual gives a detailed description of the technical and administrative basis for the principal inspection. The system is based upon the principles of the Danish DANBRO Bridge Management System.
  • The Inventory manual  RevC Jan 08  is the second in a series of  manuals which have been produced by the NRA to describe fully the operation of the Eirspan Bridge Management System. Whilst the first manual in the series describes in general the operation of the Eirspan system, this and all following manuals describe in detail the various modules within Eirspan.
  • Eurocodes - Toward 2010 and National Implementation: There are 10 Eurocodes, comprising of 58 individual parts, covering 10 design areas. The first two areas (basis of design and actions or loading) are common to all designs, the next six are material specific and the two remaining codes cover geotechnical & seismic aspects.

TII Tunnel Network

TII is responsible for three tunnels as part of the National Motorway Network. These are the Dublin Tunnel (M50), the Jack Lynch Tunnel (N40) and the Limerick Tunnel (N18). The Dublin Tunnel and the Jack Lynch Tunnel are operated and maintained by Egis on behalf of TII. Direct Route are responsible for the operation and maintenance of the Limerick Tunnel as part of the N7 Limerick Southern Ring Phase II PPP.
Visit the websites for these three tunnels: