Traffic Count Data

Traffic counters provide information on the volume of traffic by hour of day and vehicle class, i.e., motorcycle, car, goods vehicles distinguished by number of axles etc. with up to twelve vehicle classes being identified.

Vehicles are detected by passing over loops embedded in the road surface. It is possible from the data collected to establish the vehicle profiles and the various vehicle classes involved.

Click here to view our Traffic Count Data and Analysis during Covid restrictions.

Traffic Counter Data Website

There is a constant demand for information on traffic flows across TII's network. This includes local authorities and engineering consultants undertaking traffic studies in connection with development proposals, private business interests and members of the public. Our Traffic Count Data website was set up to meet this demand for information.

Visit our Traffic Count Data website

View Historic Traffic Count Data Information:

For any additional information in regards to Traffic Count Data please email


TII has recently undertaken a significant programme of improvement to its Traffic Counter system. The number of Traffic Counter sites on the network has been doubled and new equipment has been installed at all existing sites. Testing of the new equipment and verification of data collected is currently underway. Until this process is finalised users should be aware that anomalies may exist in the system and hence the accuracy of the information presented for this year cannot be guaranteed. The testing process is scheduled for completion shortly.