M50 PPP Contract


The M50 is a two lane orbital motorway which forms a 'C' Ring to the west of Dublin. The M50 is to be upgraded to a three lane motorway along with major interchange improvements from the existing M1 through to the Sandyford Interchange. The proposed 24 km upgrade of sections of the M50, known as M50 PPP Contract, is between the existing M1 and the N3 junctions and between the N7 junction and the Sandyford Interchange. The upgrade of the remainder of the route between the M1 and Sandyford Interchange is being procured under separate contracts.

The M50 PPP Contract is intended to comprise the design, construction, operation, maintenance and financing of the upgrade of approximately 24 km of the existing two lane carriage-way to three lane standard, the provision of auxiliary lanes between the M1 and N3 junction and between the N7 and Scholarstown junctions, the major upgrade of the junctions at the M1, N2 and N3 from their current grade separated junction type to partially free/free flow interchanges; and upgrade works to the junctions at Ballymun, Ballymount, the N81, Scholarstown and Sandyford.

The PPP contract was awarded in September 2007 to M50 (Concession) Limited which comprises FCC Construction S.A. and Itinere Infraestructuras, both major companies from Spain, and PJ Hegarty & Sons from Ireland..


Contract Award Date Contract Awarded to PPP Type Government Programme Status
September 2007 M50 (Concession) Limited DBOMF National Development Plan 2000 - 2006 Opened 2007


Please click here for the M50 Concession website