Temporary Safety Measures Inspection


TII Publication: CC-STY-04002


Temporary Safety Measures Inspection (TSMI) is a safety procedure for road works that was introduced by TII to comply with the EU Directive on Road Infrastructure Safety Management (EU RISM). TSMI is a requirement of EU RISM under Article 6, which also calls for the implementation of Road Safety Inspections.

TII CC-STY-04002 Temporary Safety Measures Inspection can be downloaded from TII standards website here. The inspection form to be completed for each Temporary Safety Measures Inspection can be viewed here.

TSMI is an inspection of road works sites on the national road network. The purpose of TSMI is to ensure that temporary safety measures standards are being correctly implemented at road work sites and to record possible impacts of road works on the safety of traffic flow.

The guidelines regarding temporary safety measures at road works can be downloaded from the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport website through The Traffic Signs Manual (Chapter 8) link and Guidance for the Control and Management of Traffic and Road Works.


Temporary Safety Measures Inspection Requirements

The relevant bodies that carry out TSMI are listed below:

  • TII - TSMI of projects sanctioned or procured by TII
  • Local Authorities - TSMI of projects sanctioned and/or procured by the local authority
  • Statutory Undertaker or Road Operator - TSMI of projects under their management

TII also conducts random inspections on Local Authority, Statutory Undertaker and Road Operator temporary safety measures to ensure that the requirements of TII CC-STY-04002 are being met.


Temporary Safety Measures Inspection

During TSMI, the sections of road works that have a direct impact on road users are inspected. The TSMI checks for compliance with relevant temporary safety measure standards and for impacts of road works on the safety of traffic flow.


Frequency of Temporary Safety Measures Inspection

The frequency of TSMI is based on the duration of the road works. The minimum requirements for TSMI are outlined in the following table.


Duration of Road Works % of Sites to be Inspected Per Annum Frequency of Inspection
Exceeding 1 year in duration 100% of sites to be inspected Quarterly
6 months to 1 year duration 100% of sites to be inspected Two Inspections
1 month to 6 months in duration 50% of sites to be inspected Single Inspection
Greater than 1 day, Less than 1 month 10% to 20% of sites to be inspected Single Inspection
1 day in duration Random Single Inspection


It may be necessary to carry out inspections more frequently on busy roads or where major changes have been made to temporary safety measures at a site. The frequency of any additional inspections shall be determined by TII.