Sábháilteacht Tógála
TII attaches the greatest importance to the health and safety of all persons employed on TII construction projects, and directly affected by the works.
TII expects all construction work to be carried out in compliance with the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005; Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (General Application) Regulations 2007, the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (Construction) Regulations 2013 and all other current applicable Regulations, Codes of Practice and Guidance.
The Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (Construction) Regulations 2013 are aimed at protecting workers from accidents and ill heath in the construction industry. Under the Regulations and depending on the procurement model established for each project, TII will either retain the roles of Client, Project Supervisor Design Phase (PSDP), Project Supervisor Construction Stage (PSCS) or appoint consultants and/or contractors to undertake these roles. To allow TII to discharge its duty as Client in accordance with the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (Construction) Regulations 2013, consultants/contractors are required to demonstrate their competence and ability to undertake the roles of PSDP, PSCS and Contractor.
TII also carries out safety audits to monitor and check the performance of the contractors working on TII projects. TII will partner closely with all of our consultants and contractors to ensure continuous improvement of health and safety on our construction projects.
Road Construction Safety
Transport Infrastructure Ireland holds the safety of its staff and all those affected by its operations in the highest regard. To this end, the organisation have introduced a number of measures over the past few years to improve the standard of safety within the road construction sector. We strive to get a consistent approach to safety management for our road schemes and the introduction of a site safety inspection programme has enabled us to do this. We now have the ability to benchmark against industry standard, which has allowed us to make improvements in safety standards with our delivery partners.
Lámhleabhar Nótaí Comhairle Sláinte agus Sábháilteachta maidir le Scéimeanna Bóthair a Thógáil
Tugtar cuntas sa lámhleabhar comhairle seo ar ionchais Bhonneagar Iompair Éireann (TII). Tá sraith léaráidí ann ina léirítear dea-chleachtais agus droch-chleachtais ar fud an tionscail. Tá sé ceaptha a bheith soiléir agus simplí agus cabhrú le feabhsú a chur chun cinn i measc shuíomhanna uile TII. Cuireadh na nótaí comhairle seo le chéile bunaithe ar chásanna a tháinig aníos fad a bhíothas ag tabhairt faoi na Cigireachtaí Sábháilteachta Láithreáin agus na Cigireachtaí ar Bhearta Sealadacha Sábháilteachta. Tá feabhas ag teacht den chuid is mó ar fheidhmíocht sábháilteachta ar fud an tionscail, ach ní chiallaíonn sin gur cheart dúinn na maidí a ligean le sruth, mar sin féin. Caithfidh próiseas réamhphleanála a bheith ann do gach tasc, is cuma cé chomh mór nó beag atá an baol. Cinnteoidh réamhphleanáil go bhfuil próiseas i bhfeidhm le cosc a chur ar thimpistí ó tharlú agus leis an gcaighdeán bainistíochta sábháilteachta a choimeád ar ardleibhéal. Sáruirlis chumarsáide iad na nótaí comhairle seo leis an méid a foghlaimíodh agus le dea-chleachtais a roinnt atá á n-úsáid ar thionscadail ar fud an tionscail. Is tábhachtach a thabhairt faoi deara chomh maith, trí na nótaí comhairle seo a eisiúint, nach bhfuilimid ag cur in iúl gurb é seo an bealach ceart agus is sábháilte chun cinn ach níl ann ach moladh gurbh é seo an bealach is fearr a chonaiceamar é á dhéanamh i rith cigireachtaí. .