Service Area Policy 2023


Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) is currently in the process of updating its policy document in relation to the provision of service areas on motorway and dual carriageway sections of the National Roads network. As well as providing safe stop and rest areas for motorists, service areas typically include: parking for cars and Heavy Commercial Vehicles; provision of food, fuel, recharging and toilet facilities.

The original TII Service Area Policy document (which is available at this link) was published in 2014; following a comprehensive review of the motorway and dual carriageway networks to identify key locations where service areas were needed.

In late 2019, TII undertook a public consultation on the 2014 Service Area Policy document; inviting the views of the general public and various stakeholders on several themes, including (but not limited to):
• Adequacy of the service area provision on the motorway / dual carriageway network;
• Standard of facilities provided e.g. fuelling options, rest and toilet facilities, food and drink facilities, meeting the needs of all customers; and
• Adequacy of signage for the off-line and on-line service areas.
Several submissions were received from a variety of stakeholders providing valuable feedback. In the meantime, there were several updates / additions to the transport policy landscape (at both the European and National level). Some transport policy updates are very relevant to service areas and the Service Area Policy, particularly with regards service area spacing. As such, TII has updated the Service Area Policy; taking into account the various public consultation submissions and various transport policy updates. The draft Service Area Policy update has been prepared and is available at this link.
Submissions are invited from members of the public and relevant stakeholders on the draft Service Area Policy update; and should be marked “Consultation on Service Area Policy”. The submission can be emailed to on or before 5pm on Friday, 25th August 2023.
Alternatively, submissions may be posted to:
Service Area Consultation
Strategic & Transport Planning Section
Transport Infrastructure Ireland
Parkgate Business Centre
Parkgate Street
Dublin 8
D08 DK10
Data Protection
Any information, which you submit to TII will be treated with the highest possible standards of security and confidentiality, strictly in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018. Our Data Protection Notice explains what information we gather about you, what we use that information for and to whom we may give the information. It also sets out your rights and who you can contact for more information or queries.
Freedom of Information and Access to Information on the Environment
TII is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2014 and the European Communities (Access to Information on the Environment) Regulations 2007 to 2018. Submissions received as part of this public consultation will, accordingly, be subject to the provisions of the Act and Regulations.
By making a submission under this public consultation exercise you are indicating your acknowledgement of and consent to all of the above.